If you decide to try the following codes, please do so at your own risk.

If the program is out of control and you are in trouble, press <Ctrl-C> to stop it.
# define __cdecl
# include <stdio.h>
# include <time.h>

signed(__cdecl main(void)) {
auto struct tm *tp;
auto struct timespec ts;
auto time_t t;
auto signed long l;
auto signed h;
auto signed m;
auto signed s;
auto signed base = (TIME_UTC);
if(!(base==(timespec_get(&ts,base)))) return(0x00);
printf("%8s : [%zd] \n","t",t);
t = ts.tv_sec;
printf("%8s : [%zd] \n","t",t);
l = ts.tv_nsec;
printf("%8s : [%d] \n","nano",l);
tp = localtime(&t);
if(!tp) return(0x00);
h = (*tp).tm_hour;
m = (*tp).tm_min;
s = (*tp).tm_sec;
printf("The current time: %2d:%02d:%02d %09d \n",h,m,s,l);